Friday, June 21, 2013

Vanessa Lachey: I Gained 65 Pounds While Pregnant With Camden

Vanessa Lachey: I Gained 65 Pounds While Pregnant With Camden, Vanessa Lachey has a message for all new moms and moms-to-be: Don't worry about the baby weight. Nine months after giving birth to son Camden, her first child with husband Nick Lachey, the Wipeout hostess, 32, looks better than ever -- and the secret, she says, is happiness. Well, happiness and Spanx.

"I gained, I think, 65 pounds when I was pregnant," Lachey revealed in a June 19 interview with HuffPost Live. "And I will say to moms out there, 'Don't stress about losing it. It will happen when it happens.' Cam's 9 months, so it's been a minute, and we're working, and we're traveling, and it's just about maintaining a happy, healthy lifestyle, not obsessing about it."

"I think that's one thing I would like to convey to moms everywhere," she continued. "It's not about this 'get skinny quick' diet or these fads. Just enjoy time being a mom. You've just had this wonderful, magical moment, and you shouldn't be stressing about that kind of stuff."

If you're really worried, "Spanx are amazing," she joked. "Thank you to the inventor of that."
Lachey also spoke to HuffPost Live about her "amazing" husband. "He was born to be a daddy," she gushed. "He's a hot daddy. Isn't MILF the word for moms? Is there anything for dads?"

Nick, 39, is currently traveling the country with 98 Degrees as part of the Package Tour, which also features Boyz II Men and New Kids on the Block. "I gotta say, it's sexy," his wife says of seeing him in concert. "I can't be mad at him. When I get mad at Nick and then I see him sing, I'm like, 'Okay, I forgive you.'"

At the moment, the couple are happy to dote on baby Camden, she said -- but they definitely want more kids in the future. "We're married, and I believe we've established a great foundation as a couple and now as parents," Lachey teased, "so when two and three and maybe four roll around, we'll be ready for them."

Title: Vanessa Lachey: I Gained 65 Pounds While Pregnant With Camden
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